11 Top Tips to Save Money in Daily Life

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If you’ve been following along with my blog for a while, you’ll probably realize that I love to save a dollar or two wherever I can.  While some people think it’s a waste of time and effort saving a dollar here and there – it all adds up in the end, and you may well be surprised at just how much it adds up to over a year or so.

Anyway, no doubt you’re following my blog as you’re also keen to save a few dollars, so I thought I’d share my top tips on how I save money in my day-to-day life.

So keep reading below and see how easy it can be to save starting right now!

11 Top Tips to Save Money in Daily Life

Make Coffee at Home

My number one tip for all you coffee lovers out there – is make coffee at home!  Invest in a coffee machine and a good quality cup and make your own.  Sure there will be an initial outlay if you don’t already have a machine at home – but in the long run, you will save a stack of cash!

Take Your Lunch to Work

Similar to number one – take your lunch to work.  I’m always in awe of just how much people spend every day on their lunch – it’s outrageous.  If you think this will be a challenge for you, even cut down the number of days you buy your lunch to start – the dollars will add up very quickly.

Use Rewards Cards

If you are going to have a credit card, get one with a rewards program. This way you can earn some rewards while you spend. Then you can use the rewards for things like grocery shopping. You can find some rewards programs here.

Limit your TV Subscriptions

Limit the number of TV subscriptions you have.  These TV subscriptions might not be much on their own, but if you have 3, 5, or even more it adds up in the long run.  Do you really watch all those shows?  Work out which TV service you watch the most and get rid of the rest – you probably won’t even miss it.

Stop Impulse Buying

This one is for all the impulse buyers out there.  Starting from now – don’t buy anything without thinking about it for at least 24 hours.  Do you really need the latest pair of sneakers or the newest apple watch?  When you first see these things in store, you can get all emotional and giddy with excitement – but I’m sure if you go home and think about it for a while, you may find you don’t really need it at all.  This goes with buying things online too!

Clean your Own Car, House etc

Clean your own car, house or whatever it may be!  Now if you’re time poor – this one may not be for you – but if you’ve got time to play video games on a Sunday afternoon, or binge watch an entire season of the latest series on Netflix – then my friend you have time to clean your car or your house etc.  Save yourself some money and do a little bit of exercise while you’re at it!

Buy Quality Items 

Buy quality items – now this one may sound odd – but what I’m talking about here is to stop buying inferior products that just require replacing down the track.  If you need something (ie a coffee machine – see tip number 1), then do your homework and buy a good quality product that meets your requirements – rather than needing to replace it a few months or a year down the track.  You’ll save money in the long run.

Set a Budget and Stick to it

Set a budget.  If you’re not already setting yourself a weekly budget, that is your first step to saving yourself some cash.  If you’re not balancing what you earn with what you’re spending, that is a big step toward saving some money in the long run.  Check out my guide here on creating a budget in just 7 steps.

Look for better deals on Renewal Notices

Check your renewal notices.  What I mean with this – is when your insurance, or energy bills or whatever it may be that comes up for renewal – don’t just sign up again because it’s the easy thing to do.  In most cases, you are not rewarded for being loyal.  Nine times out of ten, you will actually get a huge discount as a new customer going somewhere else.

Pay Bills on Time or Early

Pay your bills on time!  The benefit of paying your bills on time is twofold.  Firstly, you avoid late fees, but secondly, some places even provide a discount for paying by a specific date.  So double check that bill and if there is a discount for paying early – do it!

Buy Second-Hand Items

Consider second hand.  For those more significant purchases, why not consider buying second hand.  Whether it’s a new car, electronics or anything else – people who are impulse buyers often soon realize they don’t need or can’t really afford the item after all and so sell near new items at huge discounts.  Of course, you’ll generally miss out on any store warranties – but depending on the product, this may be well worth your while and save you a stack of cash!

There you have it – my top 10 tips on how you save money in your everyday life right now!

If you don’t think you have the discipline to do them all, why not just pick one or two of them and add a new one each week.  Before you know it, you will have saved yourself a massive stack of cash!

If you want to make some quick cash in your daily life, then check out this post on the top survey sites that pay cash instantly or even the best survey Apps so you can make cash on the go.


By Dave

Dave loves trying to make money online with surveys being his main way to make a great side income over the last couple of years. He loves using the extra money for travel