Paid Survey Review: Opinion Edge Review [June 2023]

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Good morning Survey Folks – today I am writing to introduce Opinion Edge paid surveys on Android and iOS mobile apps – this is an HOT offer to grab some cash and provide quality feedback on some products and services. Opinion Edge wants you to use their mobile apps on iOS and Android as their preferred way to get you to complete their paid surveys, I mean why not it is easy to earn extra money on Opinion Edge.

Click here to get going on Opinion Edge paid surveys

How to Sign Up?

The entire Opinion Edge paid surveys sign up process can be down through the mobile app. Once you log in with your basic info on the app, navigate to the profile questions section to complete a series of questions about your background to help you qualify for various survey opportunities. Tip – click the next button before submit button after each question to make it go quicker.

You can save your progress on each screening questionnaire by click submit and then returning to that category. Once you answer a few questions in each category you will start seeing survey opportunities pop up under my offers area. The app is basic and easy to use. Just answer the questions and get your rewards, a nice supplement when your other main paid survey sites do not have easy to complete paid surveys and you are time crunched, like waiting in the line to pick up some Subway.

How to Earn and Redeem Points?

You earn points for each step in the registration process for Opinion Edge mobile apps from sign up and profile details. 1 dollar equals 100 points on their platform. You can redeem your points for gift cards is the main method to earn rewards. Just as good as cash.

Most of the Opinion Edge paid surveys will range from 50 to 200 points in value for your effort and give you an estimated time to complete usually ranging from 5 to 15 minutes in my experience. Not too shabby.

Pros and Cons of Opinion Edge – simple way to do questions on the mobile app


Mobile based platform and simple to operate app

The paid survey offers on Opinion Edge have time estimates and clear values, so you can budget your time easily


Mainly limited to app based operation, not a fully fleshed out platform yet and may come across as too basic for some users

The withdrawal threshold for your first payout may be too high and turn off people. 

Click here to get going on Opinion Edge Paid Surveys mobile apps

Alight my survey clan, a new exciting offer to sink your paid survey claws into. Survey Dave signing off.

By Dave

Dave loves trying to make money online with surveys being his main way to make a great side income over the last couple of years. He loves using the extra money for travel